Scenario Task Force
Purpose of Scenario Task Force (STF)
The SSC has appointed this task force to lead the effort to develop recommendations for the SSC related the three scenarios.
Each sector has one designee, except EISPC, which has three. These individuals represent their sectors in any decision-making undertaken by the task force. (EIPC) also has a liaison to the task force.)
All recommendations made by the task force will be subject to approval by the entire SSC.
Task force calls and meetings are open to the participation of all interested SSC members and other stakeholders.
The group's basic timeline:
July SSC meeting: Present preliminary recommendations on Scenario selection
September SSC meeting: Present preliminary recommendations on Scenarios to be studied, based on the criteria and objectives approved by the SSC and the results from the MRN-NEEM analyses.
November (or final SSC meeting of 2011): Present final recommendation on the three Scenario and additional NEEM runs that may be needed.
Task Force Official Members
Robert Sinclair, Ontario Power Authority (Canada)
Doug Nazarian, Maryland PSC (States)
Eric Callisto, Wisconsin Public Service Commission (States)
Jim Volz, Vermont Public Service Board (States)
Mark Volpe, Vermont Public Service Board (States)
Stu Nachmias, ConEdison (Transmission Owners & Developers)
Maryam Sharif, NYPA (Public Power)
Herb Healy, EnerNoc (Other Suppliers)
Will Burns, NGOs (NGO)
Ryan Kind, MO Office of Public Counsel (End Users)
EIPC Liaisons
John Buechler, NYISO
Dan Fredrickson, MAPPCOR