Mission Statement
EIPC provides a forum for interconnection-wide coordination of system planning activities of its member regions in the Eastern Interconnection while also providing policy makers and regulators with relevant, complete and technically sound information.
History of the EIPC
The EIPC was initiated in 2009 by a coalition of regional Planning Authorities and the current membership is listed below. EIPC members are entities listed on the NERC compliance registry as Planning Authorities and represent the majority of the Eastern Interconnection. The EIPC provides a grass-roots approach which builds upon the regional expansion plans developed each year by regional stakeholders in collaboration with their respective NERC Planning Authorities. This approach provides coordinated interregional analysis for the entire Eastern Interconnection guided by the consensus input of an open and transparent stakeholder process. The EIPC received funding from the U.S. Department of Energy beginning in 2010 for three projects. (Learn more about the DOE-funded project.) This work was completed in 2014.
EIPC Member Regions
Committee Structure
Sets the policies and strategic direction for the EIPC, approves the Annual Work Plan and Budget as well as all external communications and public documents. The Executive Committee also approves amendment to the EIPC agreement, revisions to the Scope of Activities and the admission of new members.
Responsible for the administration of the Annual Work Plan and Budget, including the creation of working groups on an as-needed basis to assist in carrying out its responsibilities. The Technical Committee manages the activities of its working groups, prepares the Annual Work Plan & Budget, drafts reports, press releases and communications regarding EIPC initiatives for approval by the Executive Committee and approves contracts with external service providers.
Develops and maintains procedures for sharing and protection of sensitive Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII) between and among EIPC members as well as procedures for third parties to request access to EIPC documents which contain CEII information.
Performs dynamic analysis of the Eastern Interconnection bulk electric system to determine the frequency response during contingencies in periods of low inertia. The FRWG, in coordination with external entities, also researches dynamic analysis techniques and provides recommendations for improvement of input data and models.
Serves as a liaison between EIPC and ERAG/MMWG to facilitate discussion, coordinate concerns and provide recommendations to help improve the quality of the steady state and dynamics planning models of the Eastern Interconnection as well as the effectiveness and efficiency of the model building process for the benefit of all users.
Performs coordinated transmission analysis of the bulk electric system to verify that the plans of individual member regions work together to maintain system reliability throughout the CI. Such studies also identify potential constraints resulting from interconnection-wide power flow interactions that provide feedback to inform and enhance regional plans.
Shares expertise and advice regarding regional planning and operating procedures, models and criteria for the assessment of the impact of gas supply disruptions on the reliability of the bulk electric system. The ETF also supports and coordinates the review and comments on related gas-electric initiatives of other entities, such as NERC, FERC and the DOE.
Shares expertise and procedures regarding the use of production cost modeling in support of bulk transmission planning. The PCTF develops and maintains a generic PC database for the EI for use by its members in regional and/or joint studies.
Email Us
For communication with the PCTP NDA Tracking Coordinator, contact:
Ian Grant
(423) 240-1326
For additional information on the EIPC, contact:
John P. Buechler
(631) 499-1555